The Air and Space Museum

Before I moved to the US of A I visited Washington DC for the first time in 2001, I was amazed by the Smithsonian institution museums, they have great exhibits and a lot of history. But the best one in my opinion is the Air and Space museum, I never get tired of visiting it and taking friends to it when they come to visit. Now that I have been living in the US for 7 years, married and with 2 kids, this particular time was special to me because it was the first time I bring my 3-year-old son to it and he loved it. these are a few shots of my favorite museum in DC.

Enjoy, Comment or DIE 😉

Carlos Cristerna

The Duck Tours

En Boston hay un famoso tour llamado “Duck Tours” en el cual te subes a un auto militar anfibio de la segunda guerra mundial que ahora tiene mejor función, entretener turistas. Esta colección de fotos muestra en version corta lo que se ve en el tour. disfruten y comenten or die!

Carlos Cristerna

Architectural Photography

Last Tuesday I went to philly to photograph the Philadelphia Free library, this was particularly interesting to me because it was the first time I got to photograph an old building with a lot of details and got to put the 17mm tilt shift lens and the 5D to the test (really testing me as I have not used it a lot). Some of the larger photographs were taken with 3 different exposures then merged in to a high dynamic range image (HDRI) then photo merged to get super wide shot, so basically those photos are made of 6 different photos, did it work? I don’t know you be the judge. only the reading rooms and the grand stairs were done like that, the rest of the photos are a single exposure with a 24-105 zoom lens and my 7D. It was also a very interesting day as it was the day when I was boarding my flight back to Boston there was an 5.8 magnitude earthquake. Enjoy and Comment!!

Carlos Cristerna

Un día en Indy

Hace un par de fines de semana fuí an Indianápolis a una sesión fotográfica para un cliente, aquí están unas cuantas fotos, fueron unos días bastante nublados y con mucha niebla, pero salieron unas que otra buenas, vean y comenten en ellas.

Carlos Cristerna