SombreroDos 2010 Collection UnoOne

(Post Updated for Iphone and Ipad) SombreroDos is a Music project that I started right when I moved to the “US of A”. last year I collected a few songs and “released” them over the internet as an album called “Uno_One” the concept of having the name both in spanish and english came up just because everywhere I look around here there are signs that read that way (Restrooms, restaurants, fire exits and so on)….”DosTwo” was the first one and everything went on from there. it is a slow process but at the end of the day I liked them a lot. feel free to download them and use them for your personal entertainment, anything other than that would be a CRIME!! 😉


Audio Player

This track was written for the 24hr film race for the short “I <3 you" produced by Neoscape but did not make the cut DomingoSunday [soundcloud url=""] [audio src=""] This track was a first test at programing in reason and not using my guitars as the main element CaminandoWaliking [soundcloud url=""] [audio src=""] Track also written for the 24hr film race, this one did make the cut and is used for the credits PatosDuck [soundcloud url=""] [audio src=""] Track written by Cristian Sanchez and me a long time ago and never finished VerdeGreen [soundcloud url=""] [audio src=""] with this track I wanted to explore a more complex piece of music in terms of the guitar element DosTwo [soundcloud url=""] [audio src=""] Second song of the collection after "PatosDuck" this was the first attempt at using Reason and Audition wired SalidaExit [soundcloud url=""] [audio src=""] one of the songs the represents what I like a song to be more than anything, simple and strong. also this was the first succesful track (in my mind) after all the other attempts of recording a song AbajoDown [soundcloud url=""] [audio src=""] and the favorite one, the one that combines all the qualities of the above

How did this camera get here!!!???

Trial and error got me through architecture school, after which I found myself doing TV commercials, 3D animation and renderings, followed by a little graphic design, film, and generally speaking, all sorts of “art.” suddenly, without me knowing it, I had become a “digital artist.”

I fell in love with architecture first, then with film, music, practical special effects, and then later, at the very end, with photography. It took me 12 years to consciously realize how cool it is to take photos and how important to life photos are. They last forever, and you can look at them forever. Photos capture the very essence of things. You could even say that people back in the day were right—photos do capture souls. It took me a long time to realize that I have been a photographer for a while, that throughout the years I have taken so many photos inside of a computer. Through trial and error I had learned how to use the virtual camera inside a computer. Buying a “fancy camera” was the last thing I thought I’d do.

One day at Neoscape, Nils showed me a photography book, and I learned that what I have been doing inside the computer was “technically correct” in the world of photography. That got me excited and interested (but not yet quite enough). And so a year later, I found myself shooting some green screen people for a few renderings. Usually someone else in the studio would take the photos for me, but when no one else was available, I had to learn how to do it that same day. By the time I finished shooting for the day, the studio was empty, and I had no way to lock up the camera. So I took the 5D Mark II home with me for the weekend (for safety), not really knowing what I had in my hands. That weekend I shot the most amazing photos ever (at least in my eyes), and that was it. Finally, after 12 years of being a “photographer,” through trial and error, THIS camera found its way into my hands, and I will never let it go.

Carlos Cristerna