Carlos Cristerna
Paseando por Boston
Hoy fuimos a Boston aprovechando que salió el sol después de un largo, largo invierno. la siguiente colección de fotos muestra lo que pasa muy pocas veces por aquÃÂ, pero cuando pasa, vale la pena disfrutarlo, Cielo azul y Sol!! digamos que es como cuando en Culiacán hay un dia fresco. Disfruten y comenten.
Carlos Cristerna
@ the RoseBowl “a day out of the cage 02”
the beer was after the long day of work 😉
Carlos Cristerna
After producing “Airport Stories” we decided to embark ourselves on something a little bit more complicated. in this case more time, resources and patience were involved but at the end we produced a short animation we all are proud of at Neosacpe. Enjoy and comment
Carlos Cristerna
Airport Stories
Produced like one and a half years ago at Neosape it all came naturally after exploring an old fictitious airport space designed at Neoscape, first a few renderings for a new project pitch, then a short animation based on the stills images. Enjoy and comment.
Carlos Cristerna