
Living in the “US of A” is good, there are many nice things about it…..there is one thing though…..its very hard to find a place where they wash your car like its supposed to (super clean) at the right price. So, after 5 years of living in the Boston area and trying countless options all over the place, my wife and I found the right place a few years ago, one where they wash the car extremely well (almost as if my cousin BroncoBeto and my Brother Cabee washed it). of course its like 30 miles away from my house and in a very sketchy place, but of the many things that I hate (and I hate a lot of things) its driving a dirty car. so, yes I do drive all the way to Boston and beyond to get my car cleaned, today I had to go to the office and since I was almost there I decided to go get the car washed, I had the camera with me and here is what I saw while waiting for the car.

Carlos Cristerna

Paseando por Boston

Hoy fuimos a Boston aprovechando que salió el sol después de un largo, largo invierno. la siguiente colección de fotos muestra lo que pasa muy pocas veces por aquí, pero cuando pasa, vale la pena disfrutarlo, Cielo azul y Sol!! digamos que es como cuando en Culiacán hay un dia fresco. Disfruten y comenten.

Carlos Cristerna

@ the RoseBowl “a day out of the cage 02”

The day I decided to buy the camera was the day I took this photos with the 5D Mark II and Normal 5D from Neoscape, we had to go to the legendary Rose Bowl stadium to take a few shots and video for a client. Once you grab one of these cameras there is no turning back you must have one!! there is no particular reason, you just have to own it, it’s as simple as that. so if you ever find yourself in front of one of these cameras and you are dangerous with impulse spending…..DONT touch it!! because you will like it and will get one…….unless you really want it. like me.

the beer was after the long day of work 😉

Carlos Cristerna