Carlos Cristerna
MBTA the Silver Line
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Carlos Cristerna
Carlos Cristerna
Dynamic Perception Dolly test 01
Yesterday a couple of friends (Jason and Luis) and I went to the Boston ICA to test Neoscape’s new toy, the Dynamic perception dolly ( It is a great and simple tool to expand on your creative photography arsenal, there are many possibilities to use it and it also requires some practice to get something good looking (excuse why mine are not that good….yet!). The cloud time lapse was a very simple one done in 30 min with a continuos move my 7D and a 15mm fish eye lens, there was a lot of wind so it was easy to get the clouds moving. The second one is of my house fire place and it was a bit more complicated to shoot, what I was trying to do was calculate how many photos I had to shoot in 3 hours and travel the 6 feet of the dolly (the time the log more or less lasts on fire) so that I could get the log form the time it was lit to the time the fire went out, for this one I used the 7D and a 50mm lens and in a different mode where the dolly shoots, moves, stops and wait for the camera to save the image then shoots again and so on. Both ended up OK looking but ultimately they are just tests, hopefully we will use this at work more and in more creative ways.
Carlos Cristerna
El mono de Nieve
Disfruten y Comenten 🙂
Carlos Cristerna