Bogota, Colombia.

The next week after Seoul I went to Colombia for a conference that I was invited to speak at. This trip was no work at all, we met some very smart and fun people and had a nice alone time. Anyway what I like about this set of photos is that they look like I could have taken them in a span of several days but all of these were taken in one day showing how a nice day can turn around very quickly in Bogotá. I have never shot in one day in so many different lighting conditions and I think that is what makes this set cool. It was fun, the collection even includes a photo my wife took at the Museum of gold.

Enjoy, share and comment.

Carlos Cristerna

Finally out of the American Continent

To start the 2016 tour I had the fortune to travel to Seoul for a client meeting, if that makes any sense. This trip was particularly interesting because while I have traveled quite a bit for work I have never traveled outside of the “NAFTA” countries so I was very excited to add another continent to my passport. I don’t really know what I was expecting but I was surprised that Seoul didn’t really quite looked as I expected it to be. It is very western looking. One thing that hit me when I was in an elevator was the realization that I have never been in a place where I don’t understand what people are saying and I found that experience exciting rather than frustrating prompting me to start asking our hosts how to say a few things in corean. I have forgotten it all already but it was a very interesting and fun experience.

Here are some photos, Enjoy, share and comment.

Carlos Cristerna