HDRI construction set

A few days ago I had to travel to Washington DC to a photo shoot for a client. It was an exciting day as we had to photograph one of the nicest historic buildings in the city. What I didn’t know was I was going to find miself shooting in the “depths of hell”. Once in the place I noticed how cool shooting different exposures and blending them would be, there was very little light so most exposures were 30 seconds or more. Well, here is the result, enjoy and comment!!

Carlos Cristerna

Heavy Metal

A couple of weekends ago me and the family went to the Worcester Armory because my oldest kid think he is a Knight, so my wife though this would be a good idea. The kid loved it, and of course it was a great opportunity for some photos, without anything interesting more to say here is the new collection of photos. enjoy and comment!!!

Carlos Cristerna

The Boston Tea Party Museum

Since I moved to Boston I have heard that the city was renovating the “Boston tea party” trough the years and some American history 101 I learned the importance of it for the US of A to ditch the British empire at the time. I wont give you a history lesson as I dont know much really. but here are a couple of links to what exactly this means for US history and what the new museum will have.



If you clicked on the links above you will have learned that the Boston tea party museum is about to open finally after 6 years of promises and god knows how many politicians making bad choices. So, some of the final pieces of the museum are replicas of the three ships that had the tea cargo in question and was dumped to the Boston harbor by some “hyppies” from the 1700’s ;). These photos document the first one arriving to the site although they still have to finish putting it together because the masts did not fit under the bridges over the channel.

enjoy and comment

Carlos Cristerna

Times Square 2012

(ok, after someone used my blog to post some Viagra adds and I removed them here is the new real post!) A few days ago I went to NY to work, amongst the things I had to do was a photo shoot and I ended up on the roof of a building in Times Square, I was carrying a lot of stuff so my brother met me at Penn Station and help me get there with the gear (he is the one napping under the dolly). We had a good time, the weather was nice and the view was great. So we ended up just shooting photos and watching people go by. Enjoy and comment!!

Carlos Cristerna