NYC Taxi, Air and Train

Lately I have been traveling a lot to NYC. Traveling is fun specially when in one day you find yourself doing different things and using many modes of transportation, on this particular day I could only shoot photos while inside a vehicle except for the Frank Gehry building (walking to lunch). So, from a taxi a helicopter and a train here are a few photos that sum up my day in a very simple way from getting into NYC to coming back to BOS.

Enjoy, Comment and Share.

Carlos Cristerna

Fenway Park 2013

I keep saying I don’t like Baseball but I keep going to Fenway park with friends and family, after all there is beer in that place ;). Here are a few photos I shot from my seat and my very first “street portrait” of a person that noticed I was shooting while walking out from the field, a very friendly Boston cop.

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Carlos Cristerna

4th of July

Say what you want of the good “US of A”, there is a twisted perception of what “world” means here (the “world” champions of MLB, NFL, NBA etc. etc. although there are no teams from any other country. CANADA does not count 😉 ). But! there is a legitimate lesson I have learned from the American people, Love your country and be proud of it!! The 4th of July is a holiday I certainly enjoy……mostly because it involves lots of fireworks!! 😉

So, we spent the past 4th of July in Marblehead MA and snapped these photos.

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Carlos Cristena

Boston Weather

Yes as many people say “Boston weather sucks!” but not really, I happen to enjoy the way it changes in a single day. Here is a collection of photos I shot while walking to work in the morning and on the way back home to prove the point. In the morning it was nice and sunny, later in the day “it sucked” like people say.

well take a look at them and enjoy, just as you should enjoy the weather, except if its super hot like Culiacán…… 😉

Enjoy and Share!!

Carlos Cristerna