Mexico in the USA

Last weekend I went to Los Angeles, it was a nice trip to visit friends and family. I of course could not help to notice the Latin influence in the area mostly the Mexican. What was really funny was how I reacted to the experience after a few years of not going to my homeland….. like a tourist!!… I though it was awesome and I was taking pictures like it was the first time I see junk for tourists and eat Mexican food although I technically eat Mexican food every day cooked by my Mexican wife. So, here are the photos I took of said junk and some buildings.

Enjoy, Share and comment!!

I love LA and Los Angeles “Doyers” 😉

Carlos Cristerna

The Coolest things on Earth…..or Space?

Its been a few months since my camera was left on a shelf, then I had a dream, something cool was in front of me and I had no camera with me!!….Well, that morning I desperately looked for it and put it back in my backpack where it belongs and so I found one of the things that fascinate me the most, Rockets!!

I went with my family to Florida and visited the Kennedy Space Center, this has to be the coolest most impressive thing I have seen in my life for 2 reasons; The Saturn V rocket that sent man to the moon more than once, a massive piece of machinery designed by insane humans and piloted by even more insane people and last but not least the Space shuttle, very cool, beautiful, unnecessarily complex, very expensive and unfortunately now retired so we are going right back to rockets. I believe that proves the point why the Saturn V wins!!!

Enjoy, Share and Comment!!

Carlos Cristerna

New Orleans……day time.

New Orleans is a sweet place, what I have discovered this time around is that it has a completely different vibe during the day, even the people that walk around the streets are different and yes is very interesting to experience both times. Let me put it to you this way, night photos would not be OK to show….also, you should not be wasting time shooting photos at night!! 😉

Enjoy, share and comment.

Carlos Cristerna

The Making of Ghostbusters Proton Packs…..the result of “free” time.

2 months ago I was put out of commission, that was “fun” and there is no need to get on the details but that was the reason for all the “free” time I had on my hands. This allowed me to take a nice forced vacation and watch some movies with the kids, one of those movies was the Ghostbusters. Needless to say they loved it and I wondered WHY THE HELL THERE ARE NO PROTON PACK TOYS TODAY!? it would be the best toy around. After looking online I decided I could build some from cardboard, PVC pipe and wood for my kids and I for Halloween, the problem was they are too big for my kids so I made them 2/3 of the full size and then realized making 2 small and 1 big would not work, so only 2 for the kids would have to do. To make things even better my sister-in-law made the suits from scratch too and we ended up with full custom-made Ghostbusters suits and it really paid off!!! We found a giant Stay Puft marshmallow man while trick or treating around the block!!

This is a short photo document on the process and the end result in detail.

Enjoy, Share and Comment!!

Carlos Cristerna